Financial Planning Association Articles
Saving for a Large Purchase
Buying something on credit can be significantly more expensive than paying cash when you figure in the cost of borrowing the money for the purchase. Many people find that saving the money beforehand is a more efficient strategy. Here's a checklist that can help you along the way.
Click here to access the full article about saving for a large purchase!
Understanding Defined Benefit Plans
A defined benefit (DB) pension plan can offer its participants a lifetime of retirement income security. Regardless of market movements or other economic events, each participant receives a fixed dollar amount periodically for the rest of his or her life. A DB sponsor meets this obligation each year the participant works by setting aside sufficient assets to fund the present value of the future benefits.
Click here to access the full article about understanding defined benefit plans!
Resources to Help Those Caring for a Loved One at Home
Being a caregiver can be overwhelming, particularly if you are juggling other responsibilities, such as working or raising a family. Knowing where to turn for help can make a difference -- both in the quality of care your loved one receives and in lessening the stress and responsibilities on you. This article provides some of the resources you can turn to for help.
Click here to access the full article about caring for a loved one at home!
Should You Convert to a Roth IRA?
Whether an investor benefits from converting assets within a traditional IRA to a Roth account may depend on the amount of time he or she plans to leave the assets invested, estate planning strategies, and his or her willingness to pay the federal income tax bill that a conversion is likely to trigger.
Click here to access the full article about converting to a Roth IRA!